350 Trees & Shrubs Planted at Harold Town C.A.
On Saturday, September 16th, 50 volunteers planted 350 trees and shrubs at the Harold Town Conservation Area. This planting event was supported by TD Tree Days, a program that contributes to the TD Ready Commitment target of helping plant 1 million trees by 2030.

Species planted included Eastern White Cedar, Freeman Maple, Ninebark, Fragrant Sumac, Serviceberry, Staghorn Sumac, Grey Dogwood, and Black Chokeberry. These native species will support natural diversity, help to mitigate climate change, provide shade, and stabilize soils adjacent to the Conservation Area’s parking area and trailhead.
This planting is the final component of a multi-year project to upgrade facilities at the Harold Town Conservation Area, including an expanded parking area, accessible gender-neutral change and washroom facilities, and a picnic shelter.
Planting trees and shrubs as part of TD Tree Days is a fantastic way to complete the upgrades at Harold Town Conservation Area, as they will enhance the visitor experience and the local environment.

TD Tree Days has been bringing people together since 2010 and is aims to create a more vibrant planet by growing and enhancing green spaces. TD works with organizations across Canada such as Otonabee Conservation, to ensure that the right tree is properly planted in the right place, in each community.
These trees will provide countless benefits from mitigating the effects of climate change to regulating temperatures and providing beauty for all to enjoy at the Harold Town Conservation Area.
To learn more about TD’s commitment to the environment, click here to visit the TD Ready Commitment, Vibrant Planet page.
For more information contact:
Meredith Carter | Manager, Watershed Management Program
Otonabee Conservation
mcarter@otonabeeconsersvation.com | 705-745-5791 Ext. 223
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Peterborough, ON K9H 7M9
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Email: otonabeeca@otonabeeconservation.com
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